Hi Everyone!
Japan is continuing to break all sales records and there is good reason why! There has been a lot of new developments that I thought I would share with you. As a result of these developments, I am planning as part of my upcoming international trip, a trip to Japan. My trip to Asia is an opportunity not to be wasted. I will be in Australia November 4-10th, Manila Philippines Nov 11-13th and Tokyo on the 13th, Nagano on the 14th and returning to Tokyo on the 15th. I have an open ticket and prepared to stay as long as there is business to attend too.
Waiora is committed to making Japan a huge success and already have taken steps to ensure a solid future. Here are some highlights:
* Waiora is operating "on the ground", meaning we have been approved to conduct business there. We have two products that have been through the registration process, Essential Daily Nutrients and Agarigold. Waiora still offers our other products, like SkinCents and Natural Cellular Defense, through our not-for-resale (NFR) program.
* Waiora opened a customer service center in Tokyo October 7th. The new phone numbers (for Japanese speakers) are as follows:
Office Customer Service Hours are M - F 10:00-16:00
Office Customer Service: 813 4550 1675
Office Fax: 813 4550 1676
Main number: 813 4550 1692 or 03 4360 9249
* In addition, Waiora has hired Peter Dale to be the General Manager of Asia Pacific Growth. Peter has excellent experience and knowledge of the network marketing industry.
* Waiora opened a distribution/shipping center in Japan. We are shipping Essential Daily Nutrients and Agarigold. These products have labels that are printed in Japanese as well. EDN has a whole new look, and has been VERY well received by the Japanese market.. Steve Evans, (the formulator), was given carte blanche to develop a superior product and he has delivered! Agarigold, developed at the University of Tokyo is a powerful, patented and proprietary Agaricus blazei blend that is more powerful than anything else on the market. In 2007, Agaricus blazei sales in Japan alone was $250 million dollars, the market potential is enormous by simply sharing we have a better product than what they are already taking.
* A Japanese member signs up either by calling the customer service center, or by going online at www.waiora.com. When there they would click in the upper right hand corner "Select Your Market" and then they can choose either the OTG products in Japan or the NFR products in Japan. Payments are made via EFT, and all commissions are paid EFT as well.
* There are monthly meetings currently being conducted. Stan Cherelstein is there now, and is going to be doing some meetings this week. There is one more public meeting scheduled: Fukuoka: October 19, Sun 13:00-17:00, TKP Hakata City Center: 3-4-8 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0011, Tel: 092 474-5145 Web: http://www.kashikaigishitsu.net/kyushu/
The purpose of these meetings will be to launch the new EDN in Japan. Steve Evans the formulator of EDN will be a guest presenter. Distributors in Japan don't know Steve but hundreds of thousands of Japanese have taken products he has developed or help improve. Steve developed the liquid mineral product Maximol for Neways which went on to be Neways number one seller in Japan. In 2007 Maximol sales in Japan were approximately $400 million. Steve is very excited about talking about EDN as well as comparing it to Maximol and the other juice products.
* I also have secured a conference call line in Japan so that conference calls can be done now. (The system allows people to call a local number in their own country).
* We now have printed catalogs and other sales tools in Japanese.
* The compensation plan is seamless. They use and follow the US plan. This makes it incredibly easy for everyone!
I am only conducting private and discreet meetings in Tokyo at this point, and one open meeting in Nagano. I'll be staying at the Tokyo Hilton. Obviously the private meetings are to recruit a good solid team. When we have that in place, I plan to return and offer whatever travel support needed for long term growth.
If you would like to request some of my time, please email me as my schedule is starting to fill up.
Donna Valdes
727 647 4211 Mobile
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Japan Updates
Posted by
11:45 AM
Monday, September 29, 2008
My private Amazing Race: Do you live in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Philippines
Hi everyone. Wow, 4 countries, 11 cities in 15 days! It will be an amazing race alrighty!
So I leave November 2nd.... anyone want to connect?
I'm visiting...
Gold Coast
Hong Kong
Shoot me an email and let me know... give me the best places to eat (I'm always looking for a great local place in each city).
Take care
Posted by
4:32 PM
Friday, August 08, 2008
Today is your lucky day!
The start of the Olympics is no coincidence. In fact, the Chinese put great thought into today. August 8th, 2008 is the luckiest day of the century (until August 8th, 2108).
The number 8 holds great significance....according to Wiki "The word for "eight" (八,捌) in Mandarin (Pinyin: bā) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth" (发 - short for "发财", Pinyin: fā). In regional dialects the words for "eight" and "fortune" are also similar, eg Cantonese "baat" and "faat"."
Telephone number 8888-8888 was sold for USD$270,723 in Chengdu, China.
The Summer Olympics in Beijing are scheduled to open on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08pm.
A man in Hangzhou offered to sell his license plate reading A88888 for RMB 1.12 million.
So today I figured, why not enjoy a little luck yourself! Hit the phones hard today! Make as many new connections as possible! Reach out for new business, rekindle old business....
Get off the sofa, turn off the TV, and give yourself a solid 24 hours of activity into your business.
My guess is you may feel today was your luckiest day too!
Posted by
8:09 AM
Labels: mlm, network marketing, olympics
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Survive or Thrive?
The power of words really astonish me. Growing up I used to hear others say how words carry power, they form your beliefs, and that forms your actions.
I witnessed it myself for the first time when I was about 13 years old. My mother, brother and I were living with my uncle in Canada. We didn’t have a lot of money, my mom was doing the best she could, but we were broke. As most poor families, we lived with any family member who had the room. This time it was with my uncle in his basement. He was a drunk. Not a happy one, a rude obnoxious one. You know, the kind you dread when he shows up at family holiday dinners. One night, he was drinking, and started an argument with my mom. Somehow I got in the line of fire, and he yelled at me words that pierced through my heart; his words were like venom. He called me names; he said things to me that were so hurtful, which of course only fueled the fight between my mom and him more. .His words pummeled me harder than any fist, any spanking, any injury, or any other physical contact I have ever experienced. If you ever thought verbal abuse existed, it definitely does and I went through it with him. I cried that night, a deep sobbing, hurtful slobbering cry. I was so hurt that he saw me and believe I was in the context of the words he said. My loving uncle was so cruel, I thought he loved me. How it must have pained him to hate me so much. What did I ever do to him? How could I be that person he was describing?
The next morning after he sobered up, he was completely embarrassed. He regretted what he said, but it was too late. The damage was done. We moved out that day, and our relationship has never recovered. That was over 20 years ago. Sure I forgave him. But I never forgot how I felt that moment his words hit me. Do words have power? You betcha. What I hear can change my day in a moment. That goes for what I say (since you hear yourself talk).
I don’t think about that day with my uncle very often, as you can imagine, it was painful for me. But this week, I heard two separate messages about your beliefs and how your beliefs can truly shape your life. I guess having two completely different, unrelated people tell me this message; it was time to perk up my ears.
If you think you are surviving something, then you consider yourself a survivor. If you are a survivor, then you became the victim of something. Becoming a victim of something means that you were powerless over something that was done to you. Follow me here. If you tell someone how the gas prices are out of control, you’re just making ends meet, or as it pertains to your business….your organization is just barely hanging on, you are surviving the economic storm; the result is then you put yourself in a place of struggling. If you tell yourself you are only surviving, then well, you are. Your stuck. You fasten the bolts and hunker down, you dig your heels in and ‘get through it’. If this describes you, let me ask you this… how’s that working for you?
My bet is you are not getting ahead, your treading water… you are… well….just surviving. And so you should. That is what you believe, and that is what you decided.
But have you ever noticed how you are in that place, and others around you prosper during that same economic storm? Are others in your company growing faster than you can imagine? Do you rack your brain wondering what ‘magic’ sizzle call is that they are using? They are not surviving, they are thriving. How? And doesn’t that really tick you off?!?!
Well, just like you believe you are a survivor, they believe they are thriving. They truly believe that their business is booming. 2008 is really their best year yet! They believe it, they say that; they know that. They decided and made a choice to lose the powerless feeling of being a survivor and took control, they embodied the knowledge that can shift their thinking, their beliefs and their actions to move forward. They don’t dig their heels in, they keep them moving. As far as economics go, sure the economy may be going through some cycle, but a thriver is wise enough to make some decisions to thrive in spite of it. Not whine about it. Thrivers are the people whose business flourishes.
Now, if you are sick and tired of being a victim of some circumstance, fed up with watching others grow around you, if you done with being a survivor, then just don’t survive; start thriving. The good news you can change it for yourself. You have the power to shift and build your belief. Take small steps, and write the words “Don’t survive; choose to thrive!” on post it notes. Stick them all over the place. I have them in my car, on my computer, etc. When you have the urge to complain, or think the world is at it’s end, look at this note and stop the thought. Be grateful for the business you have, the home you live, the clothes on your back and the fuel in your car. Then slowly your outlook will change. Continue to fill yourself with positive messages, stop watching the news, reading the paper, or believing the world is really a horrible place. Believe your business will grow, prosper and that you are NOT a victim. Believe in your faith, believe in yourself, believe in your core that you are moving forward in prosperity… and guess what…. You will!
Expect it. Live it. Believe it.
Posted by
11:52 AM
Friday, July 04, 2008
Waiora's new Ruby Bonus rocks!
News from Corporate:
In these difficult economic times where the cost of filling your gas tank has never been higher, where you get shocked when you hear how much your basket of groceries cost and at the end of the month you have little left over to pay your bills...Waiora is here to offer some relief.
We are very excited to announce the NEW Ruby Growth Bonus!
Effective July 1, 2008, Waiora members that have achieved the rank of Ruby have the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY improve their cash flow. How would you like to add an extra $500 (estimated bonus amount) this month just from the Ruby bonus? This would most certainly help your monthly cash flow and take the sting out of increased gas and food prices!
The Ruby Growth Bonus is a monthly bonus that consists of 1% of all USA volume. Distributors can qualify and earn this bonus every month they are an active Ruby. In addition, new Rubys can earn this bonus the first month they attain Ruby AND the first month they attain Emerald.
Here is how ALL Rubys can qualify:
* Be an active Ruby in the qualifying month (100 PV, 5,000 OV and two Gold legs).
* Have a qualified AdvantageShip order. This means that you must have received an AdvantageShip order of at least 100 in volume in the qualifying month.
* Personally enroll three (3) new members each with a PaceSetter order.
* Increase your month-over-month pay line organizational volume by 1,000. This is your compressed volume in five levels.
This new bonus is great news. My first question was where was the money coming from.... and it is from the Diamond Bonus Pool, so nothing was changed from the compensation plan. Now there are bonuses at the RUBY, EMERALD AND DIAMOND levels.
Waiora is growing, Japan is exploding doing over 2Million a month there alone!
Take care,
Posted by
8:27 AM
Labels: bonus, make money, network marketing, waiora
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
MLMQuickBuilder is a keeper!
If you haven't heard the names Bob Schwartz & Kyle Schmalhofer from Home Business Advertiser, you should. Bob and Kyle have been marketing experts for the network marketing industry for years, and have created an affordable all in one tool that anyone can use. It is called MLMQuickBuilder. It is a lead "club" where you purchase your leads (there are three various types of leads they offer), and you get a decent contact manager system, autoresponder system, calendar, landing pages, all rolled into one.
When I review many of these types of systems, either the contact manage was so complicated that I would be lost in, or the autoresponders had to be created by scratch (and who has time for that) or the leads were not included.
This system has it all; an easy to use system that is automatic. Auto responders in place, leads that you are downloaded right into your account, or you can input them. A choice of landing pages. And they have an affiliate program that basically means your leads will be paid for just by sharing this system with others.
The system is new and it is only a matter of time before everyone hears about it! Sign up and test it for yourself for a few months!
Thanks Bob and Kyle for doing such a great job!
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: business tools, mlm, mlmquick builder, network marketing, quick builder
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A HUGE mistake leaders make
Close your eyes, and think of you and your organization. Do people think of you as a leader? Does your phone ring with people asking for training, tips, and three way phone calls? How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself at the top of an organization, and thinking of all those under you in organization? You worked hard to get there, right? You should be at the top, after all you hear mantras like “climbing to the top”, “see you at the top”; our industry seems to be infatuated with being and staying on top. If you see yourself at the top of your organization, and everyone else is beneath you, this is a ego driven leadership value. True leaders know that this is flawed thinking. You are not the king of the hill, queen of the heap; people in your organization are not working to make sure you stay on top. This is a huge mistake and one that stops leaders from really grasping what true leadership is all about.
When you closed your eyes and visioned you and your organization, think of what it means to be a true leader. Leadership is a skill that you fine tune and I’m consistently learning more about. If you are truly thinking of leadership, you will see yourself at the bottom of organization and everyone is above you. You are serving everyone in your group. You heard it before, this industry is people buying people. People want to belong to something, they want to join you, they want to succeed. A true leader knows that their job is to whatever it takes to help their organization grow and succeed. This includes sacrifice, time, money, and effort. This is servant leadership and it is the best type of leadership in network marketing.
From Wiki: Servant leadership is an approach to leadership development, coined and defined by Robert Greenleaf and advanced by several authors such as Stephen Covey, Peter Block, Peter Senge, Max Du Pree, Margaret Wheatley, Ken Blanchard, and others. Servant-leadership emphasizes the leader’s role as steward of the resources provided by the organization. It encourages leaders to serve others while staying focused on achieving results in line with the organization’s values and integrity.
Now, go back and think of your organization. I am sure some of you know of so-called leaders in your company that believe they are at the top of their organization and have that mentality. You will also identify the leaders that believe they are serving and working for everyone in their group, you know the ones… they walk the walk and talk the talk. Who do you want to be more like?
Don’t make the same mistakes you see other leaders make. There is a reason you notice their top-down approach, because it isn’t genuine. Follow a bottom-up approach and work to serve your group. My guess is you’ll find your group responds faster to this and will grow in action because of it.
Until next time,
Bottoms up!
Donna Valdes
Posted by
1:39 PM
Thursday, June 05, 2008
New Testimonial Discovery!
Check this out http://www.testimonyinfo.com/
It is a great resource! Share it with others and pass the word!
All the best,
Donna Valdes
Posted by
5:46 PM
New Testimonial Discovery!
Check this out http://www.testimonyinfo.com/
It is a great resource! Share it with others and pass the word!
All the best,
Donna Valdes
Posted by
5:46 PM
Thursday, May 08, 2008
My Waiora weekend in NYC
It has taken me a few days to get my routine back, but I wanted to post and share about my weekend! It was such a blast. It started by the fact the kids were able to miss some school, so already they were excited! :)
Guess who was sitting in the seat just ahead of us? Susan Lucci and her husband. Here in St. Pete is the HSN Headquarters, she makes frequent visits to sell her stuff. But she is as tiny and gracious as you see her on TV.
We were greeted at the airport by a wonderful limo that whisked us (listerally in NYC traffic it seemed we were weaving in and out so fast!) to our hotel at the Parker LeMeredin on 57th. The room wasn't ready. So we stored our bags and went right across the street to Antonio's for some pizza.... arguably in the best in NYC! The staff of 60 minutes were staying at our hotel, not that my children would know who they were or anything.... seems there were lots of celebrites all around this past weekend. After pizza, we walked, and walked, and walked and walked. I started to feel a little weak, nauseous, and wasn't sure why. I thought it was motion sickness.
We finally went to our room late in the day, and were pleasantly surprised when we were upgraded to a suite! It was fantastic! That night we had our reception on the penthouse floor of the hotel, it was great to see everyone, have some drinks and sushi.... then my husband and I met up with a few folks across the street for more pizza!!!! LOL. After dinner, I got some great "friend-time" in with Shelley and her hubby, as we enjoyed a few drinks and laughed and laughed. It was so much fun hanging out with her and Jim!
Friday was greeted with a catered breakfast then a "state of the Waiora Union" meeting, where we learned some updates, product information, etc. But boy, I just wasn't feeling well. The naseau returned. Then we were on our own until Friday night. We shopped, and shopped. We stopped at Carnegie Deli, where my son had an experience he will never forget :) , then we were back to the hotel for some R&R. I was able to get in a nap, and felt better for the rest of the day. Friday night we had dinner at Shelly's and then off to Grease on Broadway. It was excellent! Last year, we saw Lion King, I have to say the kids enjoyed this better. Afterwards, my husband met up with his brother (who lives in NYC) and they went to have drinks where they met up and had drinks with Clay Aiken. Yes, that is him in the photo below.
Saturday we woke and made our way to ChinaTown where my daughter learned the art of haggling, or bargaining.... 2 pairs of sunglasses for 9$ and a knock off Dolce and Gabbana bag for $30. Our gala was Saturday night, and then after that, I attempted to stay for the late night comedy show at Carolines with Shelley, Jim and Julio, but I couldn't hang.... the nausea came right back and I had to leave to walk back to the hotel. Walking the streets of NYC at 130AM.... it was so much fun!
Sunday we got up and saw that NYC had their 5 borough Bike Ride. Thousands of bike riders took over the streets! It was so cool. I'm feeling much better, but Julio is now feeling a little ill. I think it was some stomach virus that went around.
Anyways, it was an outstanding trip! Thank you Waiora! The next Top Performer's Trip is in Las Vegas, at the Wynn..... whose coming with me?
Posted by
12:11 PM
Labels: NYC, waiora, waiora top performers reward trip
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Waiora Fast2Sleep for free, while supplies last!
Hi there. While Waiora rocks with their Natural Cellular Defense, I had to let you know about their newest product offering called Fast2Sleep. Did you know the sleep aid industry is a 35 billion dollar industry?! That is 35 BILLION! and that over 60 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep issue??!!! Imagine getting your piece of the pie! Just think, who do you know that suffers from sleep issues? I was one of them.
I LOVE Waiora's Fast2Sleep product! I'm a stay-at-home mom, building my Waiora business, and ever since I've had children I have not had a very good, long, solid seven hours of sleep. That deep, restful sleep. My sleep has always been interrupted with kids, working ....., my international business, and on the very first night I took one of those Fast 2 Sleep strips I got the best sleep I've had in years. I've used other sleep medications and products to help me get a good night's sleep, but they always left me groggy, drowsy, feeling drugged-over the next morning. With Fast 2 Sleep I woke up refreshed and feeling great. I love this product. This is a home run~ Here is another excited result...
"Hello. My name is Jennell from Sacramento, California. I wanted to take a few minutes and give a testimony on the Fast to Sleep product. My 17-year-old son suffers from insomnia and has been taking a prescription drug called Seroquel for over two years just to be able to go to sleep. Sunday night I started having him take the Fast to Sleep product. He actually started out with two strips at night, and I was very shocked. It actually worked the very first night. He went to sleep. He was able to sleep throughout the night and was able to get up the next morning awake. You know, there was no grogginess. There was no issues. There was no problems. This is very shocking to me because we have been through so many medications. We've been through so many other natural alternatives along the way just to try to help find him something that would be able to help him sleep. The fastness he's gotten off the prescription drugs has made me a very, very happy person. I want to thank Waiora for its incredible product. You have made this Mom very, very happy. Thank you."
If you would like to try the fastest acting, natural sleep aid on the market for FREE, send me an email with your mailing address! This is huge business! So, act now, cause when I run out, I run out.
Take care
Donna Valdes
888 658 8778
Posted by
12:02 PM
Labels: fast2sleep, melatonin, natural sleep aid, sleep aid, waiora, waiora products
Friday, April 11, 2008
Waiora's Natural Cellular Defense for Free???
I'm moved! If you joined us on last night's call you heard the incredible story from a woman on how Natural Cellular Defense has made such an impact on her life, I was just so grateful for this product! Reaffirmed! I know Natural Cellular Defense, the original activated liquid zeolite, is the most effective and natural way to remove heavy metals and toxins from your body. Sometimes, a powerful story is all you need to reaffirm what you already know. In this case, it was her story that moved me to give away Natural Cellular Defense. Why? Because I am so confident this is the best liquid zeolite product on the market. Sure, with the huge success of NCD, copycat products have been released. DON'T BE FOOLED OR MISLED! There is and will only be ONE original, activated, liquid zeolite product. So, for a limited time only, (at least until I smarten up), I am giving away a free bottle (that's a HUGE savings!) to all first time customers or distributors that join my cause. Call me crazy, I'm hoping lots of you take me up on my offer and cost me big money! Here is what I need you to do.... visit www.DetoxWithZeolites.com follow the instructions there. When you make your first time order with Waiora, for at least one three pack, I will send you a free bottle of NCD. You can keep it, use it, share it, or donate it to someone you love. Just please do not let it sit on your kitchen counter unopened!
Pass this on to your family and friends.
I wish you the best of good health and prosperity!
God bless,
Donna Valdes
888 658 8778 Toll free
Posted by
6:00 PM
Labels: free, liquid zeolite, natural cellular defense, ncd, waiora, waiora products, zeolites
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Llamadas de la descripción de Waiora en español
Great news:
We have a new dial in Number in Spanish: 973-854-6915-All Calls Spanish
Press 1- NCD Sizzle Call
Press 2- Mushroom Sizzle Call
Press 3- Waiora Sizzle Call
Donna Valdes
(click my name to learn more about me...)
727-647-4211 Cell Phone
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
Posted by
11:59 AM
Labels: agarigold, ncd, spanish, waiora, waiora mushroom, zeolite
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Waiora Agarigold H1x1 is released!
Waiora hit the bullseye again with Agarigold with H1x1. This super potent liquid mushroom extract is incredible. I was in the audience at the Waiora convention and watched after all these mushroom experts went on to explain why this product is so powerful, so potent. Most of it went over my head, I'm not a doctor, not even close. But I heard story after story about this product. I ordered some and took the product immediately. I had a sore throat. My voice was crackling. After one dose, I was already feeling better. My instinct says this is everything we were promised and more.
- Every yield of the H1X1 undergoes DNA Fingerprinting – comparing the newly grown mushrooms to the original (H1X1) to be sure the DNA from the two components match.
- The DNA for the H1X1 is so valuable, it is kept in two separate vaults in the US and Europe.
- The H1X1 goes through a patented growing process that provides consistent and controlled growing conditions.
- The H1X1 is certified organic by the USDA and JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard).
- The H1X1 is 100% vegetarian.
- H1X1 is a superfood containing more than 100 key nutrients.
- Rich in βeta-Glucans & Arabinoxylan (soluble fiber)
- Sasa Bamboo leaf extract is considered by many as the world’s most powerful antioxidant. Sasa Bamboo has been used for centuries in Japan as a traditional medicine and to preserve food, most notably sushi, for days without refrigeration.
- AgariGold uses a patented, 10-stage extraction process to ensure that every last nutrient from the H1X1 mushroom and Sasa Bamboo leaf is available in the liquid formula.
Of course, distributor opportunities exist with this product and if you are interested in becoming a distributor, give me a call or send me an email.
Take care
Donna Valdes
Posted by
7:19 PM
Labels: agarigold, agarigold h1x1, liquid mushroom, waiora
Friday, March 07, 2008
Waiora News: Only DAYS away from the launch of the next super product.
We are only SIX days from launching what is going to be a product so impactful, people will be calling YOU to get it! We have acquired the distribution rights to a product that has been only available online and retail, with results so remarkable, you won't believe it. We are launching this product with clinical studies and a white paper, tools already produced, and testimonials already harvested!
Here is a pdf from one of the retailers of the product.... Waiora will relabel and start shipping in SIX days. We are offering this product at WHOLESALE..... everyone will want it! http://www.behealthyinc.com/kim/AdditionalInfo/Atlas_Agaricus_HFS_Education_Ver2_10_18_06_Rev4.pdf
Another site is www.supermushroominfo.com(turn up your speakers)
Contact me today as I am accepting pre-orders and securing positions with our team as we are about to launch this in a huge way!
Donna Valdes
727 647 4211
Posted by
11:35 AM
Monday, March 03, 2008
SuperMushroom Info
I am accepting pre-orders on this new product NOW.... email me or call me today!
Here is the info on the new product.... from www.supermushroominfo.com
The Original "Super Mushroom," Agaricus blazei
For decades, anthropologists and medical researchers puzzled over the fact that the people of Piedade, a small mountain town in the humid rainforest of Brazil, lived to extraordinary age, many well into their 100s.
They were almost never bothered by serious illnesses like heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, hepatitis, or Alzheimer's.
For years, scientists attributed this incredible health and longevity to some powerful genetic defense, passed from one generation to the next. Was it
An anti-cancer, longer-life gene? No. . .something even better!
But in the 1960s, a Japanese scientist by the name of Takatishi Furumoto discovered the true secret, a rare strain of a certain mushroom native to the local mountains of the Piedade area. It turned out that the locals used this "sun mushroom" or "mushroom of life," as they called it (known botanically as Agaricus blazei Murill fungus) to make a popular medicinal tea. It was also a regular ingredient in their cooking!
Furumoto's research established an unequivocal connection between the mushroom and the longer life and extraordinary good health of the people who consumed it.
Since then, dozens upon dozens of scientific studies have analyzed the complex organic compounds that account for the powerful, anti-aging, perfect health, longer-life properties of this particular, very rare strain of mushroom and confirmed that Agaricus blazei is indeed the source of longevity and extraordinary good health enjoyed by the people of Piedade.
Therefore, it was not "good genes," but rather the miracle mushroom that protected these people against heart attack, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, premature aging and most of the other illnesses that plague the rest of the world.
That is good news, because, while you can not do anything about your genetic makeup, you can benefit from the longer-life nutrients of this amazing, miracle mushroom, Agaricus blazei. In fact, many already have, including ex-President Ronald Reagan who, according to the media, used it to treat and cure his skin cancer.
No wonder the miracle mushroom Agaricus blazei was heralded as the long-awaited solution to cancer.
Only there were TWO big problems!
Unfortunately, this particular strain of the mushroom grows only in the unique soil and climate conditions found around the village of Piedade, and repeated attempts at commercial cultivation failed. Although the original cultures that Furumoto sent to Japan have been painstakingly maintained and isolated to guard their genetic purity, for years, the only, very limited source was the rainforest of Piedade.
And that area, like so much of the Brazilian rainforest, has become urbanized and industrialized since the mushroom's discovery, some 40-60 years ago. Nowadays, you would be hard pressed to find the "miracle mushroom" growing wild.
A near tragedy!
Of course, the original discovery that this amazing, miracle mushroom provided powerful anti-cancer, immune-boosting protection created huge interest in the scientific community.
For years, front-line research laboratories and world-class bio-chemical researchers have been studying the many different strains of the Agaricus blazei mushrooms found throughout the world.
While none has been identified with a polysaccharide profile that exactly matches the Piedade Agaricus blazei, herbalists working in the U.S. recently discovered that a related Agaricus strain does contain most of the active bio-nutrients that make the Brazilian mushroom so powerful.
That was especially good news, because this newly researched, still-un-named strain of Agaricus mushroom contains more than a few powerful polysaccharide nutrients that are uniquely its own. Not only do these nutrients possess powerful better-health properties, they complement those of the original Brazilian strain.
The best news of all is that geneticists have now succeeded in crossing genetically pure cultures descended from the original Piedade mushroom taken to Japan, with the newly researched complementary strain, to create a new, hybrid Agaricus mushroom that is even more powerful than either of its "parents!"
Science introduces the new Hybrid Mushroom . . . the most powerful super-mushroom of all!
Laboratory analysis and exhaustive clinical tests prove that the unique combination of some 85 nutrients found only in this miracle hybrid mushroom, including the powerful, complex polysaccharide, β-D-Glucan can:
* Destroy a variety of deadly cancer cells (without side effects)
* Guard against deadly heart disease and crippling stroke
* Slash your risk of ever developing diabetes
* Control high blood pressure
* Inhibit or reverse arthritis
* Protect against Alzheimer's
* Boost immune function to guard against and a host of other illnesses
* Correct digestive and weight problems
* Boost energy
* Protect against liver and kidney disease
* Protect against hepatitis
* Ease the pain and stiffness of arthritic joints
* Promote natural, more-restful sleep
* Help you look and feel 20 years younger.
While this hybrid strain has been analyzed by biochemists and nutritional researchers, its potency has been appreciated for many years by the few who have been acquainted with it:
* The Iron Chef of Japan only serves Kobe beef that has been fed with this mushroom.
* The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia feeds this mushroom to their champion thoroughbreds.
The most powerful, patented, secret-to-eternal-health superfood in the world!
The amazing, SUPER hybrid mushroom combines the same, historical, extensively studied nutrients found only in the heirloom strain of the Agaricus blazei mushroom (first studied by Takatishi Furumoto more than 40 years ago). With the complementary nutrients in newly researched strain to provide the astonishing, immune boosting ... cholesterol lowering ... better health. . .longer life benefits of both of these two miracle mushrooms in the breakthrough hybrid. There is simply nothing else in the world to equal it!
* The DNA for the new hybrid mushroom is so valuable it is kept in two separate vaults in the United States and Europe to protect its chemical makeup.
* The potency of the hybrid mushroom is protected by a strictly controlled, strictly organic, growing process that provides a consistent temperature, soil, watering, and quarantined environment
* Every yield of the hybrid mushroom is compared to the original to be sure the DNA from the two components matches for efficacy and potency.
No other super-food comes close!
The hybrid mushroom extract contains large quantities of β-D-Glucan (Polysaccharide); clinically proven to act as an immunological activator that enhances the immune system.
The powerful nutrients in this patented supplement also stimulate natural killer cells, whose job is to defend the body by responding as soon as damaged (as in cancer) cells appear, while other immune cells gear up for action. Natural killer cells are best known for their capacity to kill tumor cells before they become established cancers.
Here is how this miracle formula works in your body to help you live a longer healthier life:
* β-D-Glucan and other powerful nutrients enhance the activity of macrophage, an antibody cell that destroys or delays the proliferation of cancer cells.
* It contains natural steroids, known for their anti-cancer effect.
* It contains large amounts of non-digestive dietary fibers that absorb and discharge cancerous materials in your body.
* It reduces the blood glucose (sugar) and guards against diabetes.
* It acts to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis.
* It can also enhance the effect of Chemotherapy. The hybrid mushroom extract is all-natural and there are no known side effects from taking it.
I am accepting PREORDERS now! The product will be launched at the 2008 Convention in Orlando, Florida, March 13-15th. If you want to get your hands on this product, either wholesale or retail, call me as soon as possible.
Take care
Donna Valdes
727-647-4211 EST
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: agaricuse, agarigold, agarigold h1x1, brazil, h1x1, liquid mushroom, mushroom, piedade, super mushroom, waiora, waiora mushroom
Sunday, February 24, 2008
WAIORA ....Watch Orlando< Waiora is coming!
Hi everyone. Wow, hard to believe that in only 19 days, Waiora will be coming to Orlando for the new product launch.
Agarigold H1x1 is the new product and from what I have learned so far, it is incredible. This product was the product Waiora was supposed to launch with, but the timing just wasn't right. Now it is!
I talked to someone yesterday, Everitt, who has been on the product. He was stage 4 of that disease we cannot talk bout, took this product and still now, a few years since he has been on the product, is completely disease free! He says this product has saved his life, and after listening to him, I believe it! Listen to this!
Franklin B. in Los Angeles, CA
If you are interested in learning more now, being one of the first to actually use the product, contact me ASAP. Waiora is prelaunching this product, and I'm accepting applications now!
Take care,
Posted by
6:27 PM
Labels: agarigold, h1x1, mushroom, waiora, waiora international
Friday, February 08, 2008
WAIORA... Watch out! Waiora's new product will get you excited!
Wow!Wow! New Waiora Product BLOWS me a away!!!!! And being six feet tall, that's no easy task!
I just got off the red eye back from Vegas where Waiora held an invitation only sneak peak at the new product launching in just a few short weeks. In over 14 yrs experience of this industry, I have never seen anything like this before. In fact, this was the product they wanted to open the Company with, but the timing wasn't right with the manufacturing, etc. Now the timing is perfect, and it is incredible!
You know, when you have a product launch the Company must consider a few things to make it a home run....
It needs to be a unique product. This is completely unique to the industry! Again, Waiora will be in the forefront!
It needs to have a great story... this story is sizzle, incredible and true~! It will capture emotion the first time you hear it!
The company needs to confirm the story, with patents, clinical studies, medical endorsements.... we have all of that with this new product!
The product needs to be linked to qualification in the compensation plan. This is one many miss, but Waiora hits the mark~ This new product will make it easy for people to particpate in earning compensation.
The product needs tools ready to sell the story.... our tools will be ready to go at conference with the product launch!
You need to be able to share the tools with the masses.... the tools are going to be attractive and affordable! Websites are already in the works, dvd updates, cds and other audios!
This is not just going to be a home run product, this is a grand slam!THis product will do for some what Natural Cellular Defense did for me! Took my business from 3000 in monthly volume to over 300000 in volume in a few short months! So what's the product you may be asking????>>>
check out www.waioragoldenticket.com
I'm going to hit this hard.... timing is everything.... we all know that. If you are looking for a new home, new product, new excitment, new sizzle, new everything.... then call me, let's talk.
I'm getting a new team together that is going to create some huge energy, and big money!!!!!! Do you want in?
Whew! I'm making calls! Whoooo hoooooo!!!!!!!
A grand slam!!!!!!!!!
Waiora big time baby!
Posted by
11:34 AM