Wow!Wow! New Waiora Product BLOWS me a away!!!!! And being six feet tall, that's no easy task!
I just got off the red eye back from Vegas where Waiora held an invitation only sneak peak at the new product launching in just a few short weeks. In over 14 yrs experience of this industry, I have never seen anything like this before. In fact, this was the product they wanted to open the Company with, but the timing wasn't right with the manufacturing, etc. Now the timing is perfect, and it is incredible!
You know, when you have a product launch the Company must consider a few things to make it a home run....
It needs to be a unique product. This is completely unique to the industry! Again, Waiora will be in the forefront!
It needs to have a great story... this story is sizzle, incredible and true~! It will capture emotion the first time you hear it!
The company needs to confirm the story, with patents, clinical studies, medical endorsements.... we have all of that with this new product!
The product needs to be linked to qualification in the compensation plan. This is one many miss, but Waiora hits the mark~ This new product will make it easy for people to particpate in earning compensation.
The product needs tools ready to sell the story.... our tools will be ready to go at conference with the product launch!
You need to be able to share the tools with the masses.... the tools are going to be attractive and affordable! Websites are already in the works, dvd updates, cds and other audios!
This is not just going to be a home run product, this is a grand slam!THis product will do for some what Natural Cellular Defense did for me! Took my business from 3000 in monthly volume to over 300000 in volume in a few short months! So what's the product you may be asking????>>>
check out
I'm going to hit this hard.... timing is everything.... we all know that. If you are looking for a new home, new product, new excitment, new sizzle, new everything.... then call me, let's talk.
I'm getting a new team together that is going to create some huge energy, and big money!!!!!! Do you want in?
Whew! I'm making calls! Whoooo hoooooo!!!!!!!
A grand slam!!!!!!!!!
Waiora big time baby!