Wow, wow, wow... that's about all I can say on that. Julio and I flew in a day early and we were met by a limo at the airport. We joined one of our key leaders, George and Gail Reams at the Golden Nugget, downtown Vegas. We caught a show, Defending the Caveman. Typically Man from Mars Women from Venus Show. Poor Julio was struggling to stay awake, he had jetlagg so bad! We fell asleep afterwards and awoke the next day to a great breakfast, a walk around the historic hotel and finally took a taxi to the Wynn. The hotel is just as beautiful as we imagined. The only 5 Star Hotel in vegas! After walking in, we knew why. Of course the concorde was lined with high end shoppes like Gucci and Vitton, and lots and lots of gaming tables. Our room was on the top floor, I'll post some photos when I can. My ears popped everyone time I took the elevator up to the room, it was on the Penthouse Level, 60th floor and overlooked the Strip and the Mountains! It was breathtaking!
Julio and I tried our best at learning Baccarat, he thought it would make him look sexy like James Bond... well, it did, but we lost our shirts. I went to the Black Jack tables and won it all back! We connected that night with everyone there, Waiora team leaders, Mickey Dillon, Dean Nunneley, John Haremza, and of course, Gail and George, all the way from Australia, more of my team leaders, Ian Leadbeatter and John Gaydon. It was so much fun to see everyone! The next morning we had a training for a few hours, after eating a great breakfast. We had a corporate update from Stan. Japan is right now the fastest growing country! They have 2 Diamonds in six months. Japan by the way, is also NFR.... so if you know anyone in Japan, start talking to them, or someone else will. Singapore is slow to open, but volume is up everywhere. October is also the first month in the last six months that Australia grew. October was the biggest growth month for the entire company.
Darryl Anderson came on board and announced that the new distributor kits are ready! By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, you will be amazed! I have a new one, I love the catalogs, love the product and busines information, it is by far the best piece of marketing material I have seen!!! Darryl announced all Emeralds will be shipped one, and they are for sale, but you have to call Distributor support to get one. There are a few new folks here on this group that have already received one, I would love their feedback! Trust me when I suggest that everyone needs to call and get a few of these for their tool box!
Mickey came on and talked about how important it is to have duplication in your team, and we have it of course. Between the prospecting system, and the GETTraining System, you guys are leaps and bounds ahead of many others in the company.
Eddie came on and talked about the corporate conference and how important it will be to be there. You guys know how I feel about it, I think each of you need to be there... you need to lead by example, you need to get that information, you need to encourage your team to be there. It doesn't matter where you live, this is an international conference and JOhn Haremza is once again, going to promise this is worth your money or he will give your money back. Once you register, please let me know.
Marcy Littlejohn came up and talked about commitment. How important it is... how not to be steered away in your commitment. That we are solid, and don't let others talk you out of your dreams, or try to distract you.
Dave Jordan came up and talked about investing in your business.... using incentives to build your business.... and he had some great ideas that I'll run past you on the next call.
Rik came up and gave some updates about NCD. something about how NCD binds something in chemo that was getting the cancer people really excited, it flew over my head. Maybe Ian or Gail can give up an update on that.
We then headed off to cheer Julio as him came in from the exclusive golf course where he had the best game of his life. It was so emotional for him. We had lunch with Jerry Botto, Mickey, Paul Hoodless and all the spouses. We then got ready and all dressed up for the first ever Waiora wedding. Trudie was just beautiful! Ian was nervous, he was so cute! I was blessed to be witness to that.... and they picked the ideal spot! A rotunda outside Cesar's Palace that overlooked the strip in Vegas! Mickey was best man and it was wonderful. Eddie was there, Jerry Botto and his wife, Linda (Mickey's wife), Dean his his wife, and daughter, and Stephanie (JOhn Haremza's daughter) were there. After the ceremony, we went back to the Wynn for dinner and wine! Of course, everyone toasted Ian and Trudie, and they learned the American custom of clanging wine glasses meant to kiss your bride, There was lots of clanging going on!
The next morning, Julio and I explored more of vegas, every hotel had their own theme, the Venetian was beautiful. They recreated Italy, and even the Sistene Chapel painting, gondalas would take people around the "rivers" around the hotel, and the music from their house play "Phantom of the Opera" would be heard inside and out. Bellagio had the incredible water fountains that danced to the music, Treasure Island had a pirate war... there is just so much to see, it is hard to remember it all.
That night everyone dressed for the gala. We ate and dinned like big shots and then many of us when out to the Wynn's house show, La Reve. That was excellent, but honestly, by this time, we were ready to come home. So now I'm home, exhausted, but thrilled to tuck the kids in, and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.
These reward trips are so much fun! I pray that each of you have the opportunity to enjoy one. The next trip is to New York City, where they put you up in the exclusive Manhattan hotel, LeParker Meridan. You can read more about it at
It's a bit late now, but I did want to check in.
All the best, take care, God bless,
Your friend
Monday, November 12, 2007
I just returned from Waiora's Top Performer's Reward Trip in Las Vegas
Posted by
11:29 AM
Labels: las vegas, leaders, waiora leaders, waiora top performers reward trip
Monday, October 22, 2007
GETGroup Newsletter Oct 21 - theGETGroup | Google Groups
Here is this week's newsletter... enjoy!
GETGroup Newsletter Oct 21 - theGETGroup | Google Groups
Posted by
2:40 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
FDA stick to pregnancy fish-eating limits - Pregnancy -
The U.S. government said on Monday it was holding firm to its recommendations that pregnant and breast-feeding women limit how much fish and other seafood they eat and avoid certain types with high levels of mercury.
The two agencies that have set government policy on the subject — the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency — have declined to alter their recommendations that these women eat no more than 12 ounces of fish weekly. You can read more about this latest article by clicking here.
Just another solid reason EVERYONE should be taking Natural Cellular Defense, the original activated liquid zeolite product that safely captures and removes mercury from your body.
Posted by
4:06 PM
Labels: EWG, FDA, fish, liquid zeolite, Mercury, natural cellular defense, seafood, waiora
Friday, August 31, 2007
Update/Summer's almost over!
Hi everyone. I hope you are doing great. Summer is coming to a close, hard to believe. Labor Day is this weekend. I cannot believe where the time went. I just returned from Asia. It was so much fun. I was there talking to people about Waiora. I went with Mickey Dillon, he is a trip. We flew Northwest Air, which I will now call Northworst Air. They stink. But I didn't let the travel damper my excitement!
I am looking for another key person to work with. I need one more person who wants to team up with me and get to Emerald FAST. I'm so dedicated to this. Once that happens, through their success, I will go to Single Diamond! That may not mean too much to many of you, but to my family, it is a $20K raise!
So if you are interested, call me, Don't waste time emailing me. Let's get busy! I'm loving it!!!!
Donna Valdes
Global business developer for Waiora International
888 658 8778 Toll Free
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Waiora's New Emerald Bonus is a Winner
This week, Waiora annouced some great new additionas to the compensation plan. I didn't want to respond until I looked at them closely, and glad I did. They make the plan even more attractive. Here is the information on the Emerald bonus in an email sent out by one of our top leadership.... They also have made some changes to the Diamond Bonus. Prior to, you had to be a single diamond in order to collect the bonus (meaning you had to help one of your teammates in a leg go to diamond). But there was no incentive, other than progress through the comp plan for that diamond. UNTIL NOW.... NOW Diamond participate in the bonus and big time!!!!So, I'm really motivated to help a new person reach the rank of Emerald and fast! So if you are looking at Waiora, and ready to team up... then contact me at
Until later,
WOW 1% Emerald Bonus 20% to 55% Plus Pay Raise for Emerald
Emeralds have by hard work and great persistence arrived at their first really significant level in the pay plan. The average monthly income of an Emerald is $3,000. They have 200 people in their business. In most cases they have found one leader.
You must meet the Emerald Bonus Qualifications
Be an active Emerald
Personally enroll 2 PaceSetters
Grow your business by $2000 OV over the prior month
These calculations are approximate and intended to show the potential of this bonus. They are based on a 7% commission on OV. The company estimates that the value of a share will be $300 to $600. I used $400 as a share price in these calculations.
$30,000 If you're a $30,000 Emerald you have 3 legs with $5,000 each and you're earning approximately $2000 a month. The bonus will be 1 share in the pool with estimated value of $400 which will bring your total earning to $2400, a 20% pay raise.
$50,000 If you're a $50,000 Emerald you have 3 legs with $10,000 each and you're earning approximately $3,500 a month. The bonus will be 3 shares in the pool with estimated value of $1,200 which will bring your total earning to $4700, a 35% pay raise.
$60,000 If you're a $60,000 Emerald you have 3 legs with $15,000 each and you're earning approximately $4,200 a month. The bonus will be 5 shares in the pool with estimated value of $2,000 which will bring your total earning to $6,200, a 45% pay raise.
$80,000 If you're a $80,000 Emerald you have 3 legs with $20,000 each and you're earning approximately $5,600 a month. The bonus will be 7 shares in the pool with estimated value of $2,800 which will bring your total earning to $8,400, a 50% pay raise.
$100,000 If you're a $100,000 Emerald you have 3 legs with $25,000 each and you're earning approximately $7,000 a month. The bonus will be 10 shares in the pool with estimated value of $4,000 which will bring your total earning to $11,000, a 55% pay raise.
If you're not an Emerald yet this will inspire you and every Emerald above you who wants to raise their income. The only way to raise your income in this business is to help others do the same.
Posted by
12:14 PM
Labels: compensation plan, emerald, waiora
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
HOT NEWS: Waiora promotion
Hi there. My organization volume for May closed incredibly high, beat a new record for me personal. I'm close to being a Single Diamond in Waiora and looking for help. (That is about a 10K monthly bonus raise for me so I'm leaving a great deal on the table each month, and I'm putting together some SERIOUS incentives to make my goal happen). If you have wondered what makes Waiora so special... stop wondering. Don’t put your toe in the water, jump in!
I believe training, support and a team atmosphere are keys to our success. So I have put together an incentive for June that hits on all three of these aspects. Join our team at the Pacesetter level ($500) and get these incentives:
1. Training: John Haremza is the Master Distributor, my personal enroller, and is making about $195,000 a month. He created a brilliant training system that has proven effective. No need to recreate the wheel! His training is easy to understand, and it will get you started in the right direction from the get-go. The system includes a manual and a few of his best CDs and is offered to distributors for $9.95 (plus tax, shipping and handling). This is your gift from me, (a value of $9.95) for FREE.
2. Tools: To implement John’s training, you’ll need tools. Our best tools are of course, but we also have a very powerful magazine, “Your Business At Home” (available from Waiora for $30 for a 10pack) and a brief and effective CD from Mickey Dillon and Rik Deitsch “Take Your Life Back” (available through for about a buck each). Use these tools to explode your business! To get you off to a solid, fast start, I will send you 10 CDs and 10 Magazines ($50.00 in tools) FOR FREE.
3. Team atmosphere: Grow your team to 25 - WHENEVER your team reaches 25 through your efforts OR the efforts of your personally enrolled OR a combination - YOU will get a check for $500 USD from me. Do it in a week, a month, or a year.... this will be an ONGOING promotion for our team! That means your pacesetter order was FREE! On top of an already fantastic compensation plan, a little MORE back in your pocket.
To keep that team motivated and focused, join our Diamond Club and you will be eligible to win another $1000 just for your enrolling efforts and rank advancement. For those that make it to Diamond, earn an exclusive trip to somewhere exotic. The Diamond Club for those in our team that are committed to becoming Diamond by the end of this year (to get part of the equity that is up for grabs). We meet weekly and have great leadership training, and draw names every week for those that want to win free tools. The Diamond Club is exclusive and free to join, and really helps your team stay focused. So don’t wait any longer.
It is an incredible time to look at Waiora! There are some links below to refresh yourself about Waiora, and if you are ready to get started you can either call me on my cell or go right online, click here. These incentives are for all new distributors, if you are already enrolled in Waiora, let me know. I have other incentives just for you.
Thanks and God bless,
Donna Valdes (click my name to learn more about me...)
Global Business Developer for Waiora International
888-658-8778 Toll Free
727-647-4211 Cell Phone
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."- Henry David Thoreau
Posted by
1:18 PM
Labels: contests, distributor, natural cellular defense, waiora
Monday, June 04, 2007
June Promotion EXCLUSIVE for my Waiora business.....
If you have been thinking of Waiora, NOW is the time to pay close attention.....
JUNE PROMOTIONS: My organization volume for May closed incredibly high, beat a new record for me personal. I'm close to being a Single Diamond in Waiora and looking for help. (That is about a 10K monthly bonus raise for me so I'm leaving a great deal on the table each month, and I'm putting together some SERIOUS incentives to make my goal happen).
FOR LEADERS THAT ARE CONSIDERING WAIORA: If you are looking to add Waiora to your portfolio, email me or call my cell at 727-647-4211. I have some leverage to offer only those with experience to help them get started. I have some groups that need some leadership, some coaching, motivation, more personal touch than I can get do right now with them. Again, this is only for experienced and excited leaders.
FOR THOSE CURIOUS: If you have wondered what makes Waiora so special... stop wondering. For the month of June, if I personally enroll you at the Pacesetter level ($500) I will send you a jumpstart system to get you going, with 10 CDs and Magazines ($50.00 in tools). Plus you will be reimbursed your joining fee (29.95). I have some smaller incentives for the $200 level as well. (email me for details).
For everyone: Join our Diamond Club and you will be eligible to win $1000 from our team, just for your enrolling efforts and rank advancement, and for those that make it to Diamond, earn an exclusive trip to somewhere exotic. The Diamond Club for those in our team that are committed to becoming Diamond by the end of this year (to get part of the equity that is up for grabs). We meet weekly and have great leadership training, and draw names every week for those that want to win free tools.
It is an incredible time to look at Waiora!
God bless,
Posted by
7:35 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Here are some FAQ's on NCD, the incredible detox product from Waiora. This product alone has soared my business! There is nothing else like it in the industry.... everyone should be on this product. Everyone!
Frequently Asked QuestionsThe following are some common questions regarding Natural Cellular Defense:
Q. What is Natural Cellular Defense?
A. Waiora's Natural Cellular Defense has been clinically formulated to help support a healthy immune system, remove heavy metal toxins and balance your body's pH levels.* Waiora's Natural Cellular Defense is comprised of an activated, liquid form of a naturally-occurring zeolite.
Q. What are zeolites?
A. Natural zeolites form in nature as a result of a chemical reaction between volcanic lava and saline water. Zeolites have large open spaces or cages in their structures that form channels. These channels allow the easy movement of ions and molecules into and out of the structure. This ability puts zeolites in the class of materials known as "molecular sieves."There are about 40 naturally occurring zeolites and over 100 synthetic zeolites. There are three different classes of zeolites with varying molecular chemical structures:Chain-like structures whose minerals form acicular, or needle-like, prismatic crystals - as found in asbestos. Framework structures where the crystals are more equal in dimensions - as found in chabazite. Sheet-like structures where the crystals are flattened - as found in clinoptilolite. Another unique and important fact about zeolites is that they are one of the few negatively charged minerals found in nature. The natural properties of zeolites act as molecular sieves, or filtering agents, that attract and trap into them positively charged atoms, ions, and compounds, and can remove them from a system.
Q. Which zeolite do you use for the Natural Cellular Defense?
A. We use naturally-occurring clinoptilolite in the Natural Cellular Defense. This particular zeolite has been used for over 800 years in traditional medicine to improve general health. It has been widely used in its raw form in places like India, China and Russia. In the United States, zeolites have been used in water filtration, air purification, animal feed and even in fertilizers to keep the crops healthy. Now we're using it in an enhanced form using a proprietary activation technology as a dietary supplement.
Q. So, what is actually in this mineral? Is it something that we can find on the periodic table?
A. It's a mineral with a cage-like structure. It's created by aluminum and silica that are trapped in small tetrahedra (pyramid-like structures) created by oxygen atoms. These form 8-sided and 10-sided rings that stack on top of each other to form channels. The aluminum is positively charged and the oxygen around it is negatively charged, giving the entire molecule a net negative charge. This is a very stable compound. For all practical purposes, this is an invincible molecule.
Q. Can the aluminum be absorbed into the body from the zeolite?
A. No. The aluminum in the product is at the center of a tetrahedron (it's surrounded by tightly-held oxygen atoms). It is not free to exchange into the system. So imagine you have a pyramid that's made of oxygen with aluminum in the center of that pyramid. It's what they call 'non-exchangeable aluminum'. We have done studies where we have found that Natural Cellular Defense increased the excretion of additional aluminum, which means that the zeolite is pulling aluminum out of the body in addition to the aluminum contained in the product itself.
Q. Is there any possibility of the aluminum being released because of this?
A. Absolutely not. The aluminum is in the middle of the tetrahedron of oxygen. So imagine you have a pyramid that's made of oxygen with aluminum in the center of that pyramid. It's what they call non-exchangeable aluminum. Studies have been done where 100 percent of the aluminum was recaptured as it came out in fecal matter and urine from the patients. Additionally, it has been found that a patient would excrete additional aluminum, which means that the zeolite is pulling aluminum out of the body in addition to the aluminum contained in the product itself.
Q. How does Natural Cellular Defense work?
A. The zeolite in the Natural Cellular Defense attracts and traps small, highly-charged particles that fit into the pores and channels of the zeolite cage. This includes heavy metal toxins. The Natural Cellular Defense has been shown to remove mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Research has shown that it does help balance pH, which makes a more alkaline system. A slightly alkaline environment in the body helps to stabilize the immune system.
Q. Who needs to take Natural Cellular Defense?
A. Everyone is exposed to heavy metal toxins on a daily basis in the air they breathe, the food they eat and the water they drink. In order to remove these toxins and maintain a clean and healthy body, everyone should take Natural Cellular Defense on a daily basis. We recommend the product for persons 18 years of age or older. People under the age of 18, pregnant women and children should consult their physicians prior to use.
Q. How is Natural Cellular Defense manufactured?
A. The manufacturing facility itself is certified to be cGMP-compliant (current-Good Manufacturing Practices) by the FDA. GMP is an FDA (Food & Drug Administration) term for the Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QA/QC) procedures that are standard in the facility. This also includes training of the personnel, storage of materials and micro-analysis of the product. The manufacturing process takes approximately five to seven days. Some of the finished product is sent for analysis using Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The product is also sent through a detailed micro-analysis, where it is evaluated for any sort of contamination (bacterial, molds, spores, etc.). Finally, some bottles from every batch are retained so that these can be tested on a future date if it becomes necessary. We also periodically inspect the manufacturing facility and all of their batch records.
Q. Why does the Natural Cellular Defense sometimes look, taste or smell differently?
A. The zeolite in the Natural Cellular Defense is an all-natural mined product. As such, there will be some variability as to its excess mineral content (i.e. magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, etc.). Although these are very slight variations, they can cause great differences in the taste, smell and color of the product. Additionally, some minerals may darken in solution (i.e. iron). Because of this, some of the Natural Cellular Defense can have a brownish tint.
Q. If there are different amounts of minerals in the product, can it be dangerous?
A. No. The variations in the excess mineral content are negligible and cannot be considered as a source of the mineral
Q. Why is some of the product tinted brown or green?
A. The zeolite is a naturally-mined mineral. Because it is mined, its pigment qualities can be affected by outside elements - time of year, air and water most specifically (in the spring time, there may be more rain or snow run off as opposed to the fall). The color variations of zeolite can and do range from an off-white/beige color to a light green. Although these are very slight variations, they can cause great differences in the organoleptic properties of the product (taste and smell). A recently tested sample of the product contained less than one (<1) microgram of iron. This was certainly enough iron to change the color of the product, but not enough to have any physiological effect.
Q. Is one microgram a large amount of iron?
A. No. It's a negligible amount. As an example, one average bite of steak has approximately 500 micrograms of iron.
Q. Why are other mineral products consistent while the Natural Cellular Defense may be different from one bottle to the next?
A. Most multi-mineral products use formulations of single, purified minerals. These are known quantities that may be entirely consistent. The Natural Cellular Defense uses a natural, mined product that contains natural variations of its mineral content. While the amount of the zeolite is standardized and remains constant in the product, the excess minerals may change.
Q. Can the plastic from the bottles leach into the product?
A. No. We use a high-density bottle that is resistant to leaching and there are no components in the Natural Cellular Defense that are known to degrade plastic. We have had the bottle independently tested for plastic leaching and the results showed no leaching.
Q. Will heat affect the zeolite in the Natural Cellular Defense?
A. The zeolite is an extremely stable molecule that can withstand very high temperatures (over 900 degrees Fahrenheit). Hot days will not change the product or limit its efficacy. The zeolite is an extremely stable molecule that can withstand very high temperatures (over 900 degrees Fahrenheit). Hot days will not change the product or limit its efficacy.
Q. Will cold alter the product in any way?
A. The zeolite is completely stable at cold temperatures. If the product becomes frozen, simply defrost it and shake it lightly before using to ensure a uniform suspension of the zeolite.
Q. Can the zeolite in the Natural Cellular Defense lower potassium in the body?
A. No. The zeolite has a very specific reactivity series. Smaller atoms with higher positive charges have greater affinity for the zeolite. Heavy metals tend to be small and highly charged while the necessary minerals tend to be larger with lower charges. For example, arsenic has a charge of +3 and a diameter of 1.8 Angstroms. Potassium only has a charge of +1 and a comparatively large diameter of 2.8 Angstroms. Arsenic has high affinity for the zeolite while potassium has almost no affinity for the zeolite.
To learn more about this product, visit or * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Posted by
7:46 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
SO much time has passed
So much time has passed and I am shocked to realize I haven't posted in a long, long time. No excuse when there is so much to report on.
First, let me start by thanking my team. Without you, I would have no success!
Waiora is growing at an incredible rate and I'm so proud to help spear head that growth. In the last few months we have seen a brand new line, SkinCents. This is absolutely an incredible skin therapy line. You just have to check out the website for this at and click on the SkinCents logo at the bottom.
We just launched the Diamond Club, a club for those distributors that want to take advantage of the limited time in Waiora and do whatever it takes to make it to Diamond by the end of the year. What does that really mean? It means you can have your share in the last bit of equity up for grabs. So come on team, you can push yourself to do whatever it takes!!!!
Just check out some of our new web sites: is a lead generation site that we have seen some great leads come in on. If you would like to work some of these leads, email me at and I'll forward them on to you, for free! I don't believe in charging my team for building my business, I know there are many teams that do, but I find that greedy. Also, is just for the ladies! Calling all girls! Stay at home moms! You know I'm talking too you... check it out.. and finally, is up and running and better than ever, If you are part of our team, you can have your own site, just like this one at Enjoy, hope you like it.
Well, gotta run. I will do my best to post more often. C Ya
Stay safe, healthy and young!
Posted by
2:25 PM